Our mission is to put Recovery FIRST in everything we do and our work shows it.
We are Recovery Coach Academy.
Naetha Uren, and Calliese Conner are the ONLY Authorised Recovery Coach Trainers in the UK, creators of Recovery Coach Academy, home to CCAR Recovery Coach Training in the UK.
As a family in recovery, we know from personal experience the amazing positive impact recovery coaching can make.
We support individuals, families, and communities who want to access and utilise recovery coaching to combat substance use disorder and improve recovery communities in the UK and abroad.

Recovery Coach Professionals, using the CCAR model to positively impact recovery
The Recovery Coach Academy provides world class training and certification for Recovery Coaching. We train and advocate for Recovery Coaching in order to have a positive impact on individuals, families and communities affected by substance use and other addictions. We also provide further training and professional support to qualified Recovery Coaches or those interested in learning about Recovery Coaching.
So far we have trained and supported people in more than 7 countries in the art and science of recovery coaching along with helping implement recovery coaching in 55 organisations. Our community is full of individuals starting their own businesses, projects, and community activities while also collaborating with each other and accessing ongoing support and education from our team where needed. We have had students published in magazines, articles, on podcasts, speaker events, and published in the British Medical Journal due to the positive impact of Recovery Coaching.
“It’s not just a course, it’s a community”...

Our Vision:
Anyone seeking to be part of a stronger and healthy recovery community, to be able to access and utilise recovery coaching and training.
Our Mission:
Recovery First – to share all pathways for recovery. Share recovery coaching and support Recovery Coach Professionals©. Create a community where we connect with a focus on supporting recovery and utilising recovery coaching.
Our Guiding Principles:
Recovery First. Recovery must come first.
You Are in Recovery If You Say You Are.
Multiple Pathways of Recovery.
Focus on the Recovery Potential, Not Pathology.
Err on the Side of the Recoveree.
Err on the Side of Being Generous
*Adopted from CCAR Foundational Principles, by Phil Valentine, October 2018