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Writer's pictureCalliese

Is it RIGHT?

We’ve always talked about having a heart-centered business, and now we focus on having a RIGHT HEART centered business ♥️

We had one of those moments this week.

You know when fireworks go off because everything finally clicked!?

Yeah, we had one of those moments!

We started Recovery Coach Academy almost 6 months ago not knowing exactly how all the pieces would fall together. We knew the positive impacts of Recovery Coaching from our experience in the U.S.A. We are extremely passionate about sharing the gifts of recovery coaching while supporting individuals, families, and communities!

Thankfully our CCAR (Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery) family in the U.S.A continues to support and guide us. (All good coaches have a coach, and we are so grateful for the ones that support us!)

Over the past week, we’ve had a few meetings with our coaches, advisors, mentors; discussing our plans, vision, activities, etc, as we work to bring the full CCAR curriculum and “Recovery Coach Professional” designate to the UK.

As we are the first and only CCAR-certified trainers in the UK, we checked in with The CEO of CCAR in the USA. As we’re talking to Phil, he would ask us questions like “what do you think is the RIGHT thing?” Or “is that the RIGHT way?”

See Phil always discusses how imperative it is that we conduct ourselves RIGHT to elevate the recovery coach profession.

  • Respect. Be polite. Treat everyone with honor and admiration. Be curious. Use appropriate language. Pay attention to your appearance – is it respectful for the situation?

  • Integrity. Your integrity is directly related to your credibility and trustworthiness. Simply, let your yes mean yes and you're no mean no. Another way to think of integrity is to consistently do the next right thing, even when no one is watching.

  • Gratitude. Gratitude is contagious. Recovery coaches who are genuinely content, peaceful, and appreciative connect with people easily.

  • Honesty. One of the recovery coach roles is truth-teller. We encourage coaches to be honest with compassion when interacting with recoverees. Tell your truth without blame or judgment. Honesty is also a prerequisite to the recovery coaching fundamental of discovering and managing our own stuff.

  • Transparency. Think of intimacy as “into me you see”. Transparency and intimacy are closely related. Transparency also requires a sizable dose of vulnerability. It’s a very engaging way to live. A person with transparency has nothing to hide, no hidden agenda. You can trust a transparent person.

Following our meetings, Mom and I had many conversations about how our heart aligns with Recovery Coaching and CCAR. We're in the car, going to pick up the usual bread & butter, and I said “Mom, we just need to make sure we do everything with the RIGHT HEART.”

Her face lit up “Calliese that’s it!” We just need to make sure everything we do with Recovery Coach Academy is with the RIGHT HEART, collaborations, projects, etc.

We always say Recovery Coach Academy is where our hearts and minds came together, and now we’ve realized we just need to do everything with a



Three questions for you.

  1. Are you, personally, living within these parameters?

  2. Does the organization you work for conduct itself with a RIGHT HEART?

  3. What would happen if all Recovery Communities embraced this concept in all their affairs?

Please feel free to email us at

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