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Writer's pictureCalliese

Back to Normal?

I remember my first New Years in Recovery, my FIRST actual New Years, where I didn’t consume any drugs or alcohol! I was at home with the family thinking what am I supposed to do to celebrate!? Mom said to me, “Calliese make a vision board of all the things you’d like to accomplish for the New Year, your goals.” So every New Year’s now I make a Vision Board, well… let’s just say my 2020 Vision Board did NOT have Coronavirus on it…

My 2020 Vision board was full of traveling experiences I’d hope to have, Career goals, hobbies, and so much more, but when I looked at my Vision board today, it consisted of some things maybe I didn’t want so much of now… My mom always says to me, “get comfortable with being uncomfortable”... why? Because I am not the biggest fan of change… I like to plan, to be prepared, so when unpredicted changes happen I get anxious and uncomfortable. So things have been uncomfortable, and a new perspective was needed!

I continuously hear the saying “back to normal” and I keep thinking why!? Maybe “normal” isn’t what I want anymore…

Due to these unprecedented circumstances, I was forced to be uncomfortable, stay home, and be open-minded to a new perspective… and what I have learned and acknowledged is…

  • Always running around and being “busy”, maybe I was running from myself or my family...

  • What’s really important to me… healthy family relationships.

  • Money doesn’t buy happiness… but it does buy chocolate!

  • To be PRESENT and cherish every moment because we don’t know how long we have.

  • When we’re not running around all the time, were actually some pretty talented people!

  • How grateful I am for what I do have today.

  • Take advantage of Virtual opportunities.

  • My relationships with my family grew closer and more intimate.

  • I have a choice… I can choose to do the best with what I have.

  • “Normal” didn’t give me what I have today.

Although some are eager to get back to normal I think we can learn a lot from our experiences of COVID this year and enhance that into our daily living going forward. So I for one will continue to have date nights with my son, games and crafts, readings, and gratitude. As well as tons of family laughs and picture-perfect moments!

With every situation that happens in our life, we learn. I hope you have learned something during this time that you as well will continue to forward with you to this “New Normal”.

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